
VSA has 501 C – 3 status with the Internal Revenue Service.

All financial donations — as well as donations of supplies and services to Volunteer Services for Animals, Inc. — are tax deductible. Tax deductible donations are appreciated and can be sent to: Volunteer Services For Animals, Inc., 6017 Pine Ridge Road #330, Naples Fl 34119.

VSA is always in need of pet supplies. We gladly accept pet supply donations including:

•cat food (canned or dry)
•paper towels
•flea treatment
•cat carriers

Pet supply donations are gratefully accepted at PetSmart Saturdays during adoption hours from 12pm to 3pm.

If you do not have pet supplies to donate, but wish to make a pet supply donation, we also accept PetsMart, Petco, Target and Walmart gift cards to buy pet supplies as they are needed.